Monday, February 23, 2015

Growing my Twitter Followers

There are several ways in order to grow your twitter followers. Some more complex and hands on then others. You can easily gain followers through mutual friends seeing who mutual friends follow. You can also easily be seen by a feature on twitter that pops up when you follow someone or are doing any activity on twitter that says "People you May Know". Or there sit the simple way of asking people to shout you out and tell their followers to follow you. Or asking for people to retweet your own tweet. 

Now here is a way that may be more complicated and easier said than done in order to gain followers: Creating Valuable content. Creating valuable content or any attention grabbing interesting tweet can allow your tweet to travel  and be seen by being retweeted or favorited. Repetition and continuously sharing information helps too, even about the same content or the same exact tweet. 
Commenting on relevant information,news, or content can also help you grow your followers by engaging in conversation or maybe people feeling the same way and retweeting. Pretty much aiming at a popular topic or subject is a good target to aim at when tweeting rather than something irrelevant or old. Piggy backing of of this, you can also retweet valuable or interesting up to date content. Also engaging in promos or events or any entertainment can be useful to grow your followers too (asking listening responding). Promoting responsibly is good pointer also, along with countdowns to anything that you may find catching.

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